March 17, 2013: Returning to the BASE

One more time, I realized that all of these efforts were shallow / useless.

You may now wonder: is he talking about his bitchy girlfriend? Or his marathon training? Welp, for this time, it's all about the training. My super-genius (but slow) MIT brain has come to the conclusion that I should work on my base training for a little longer way longer than that, before even thinking about doing HIIT (high-intensity interval training) again. Let me quote this article from the registration fuckery worst-registration-server-ever, namely
Often, one of the hardest concepts for triathletes to understand and implement is the notion of base training. The idea of running slowly to boost performance later in the season can seem counterintuitive. It is also difficult to hold oneself back, but if you have the discipline to train aerobically this winter when everyone else is hammering away, it will pay dividends down the road.
OK -- I'm no triathlete, but I'm closer to being a triathlete than a Market Basket cashier, right? Paper or plastic? Exact amount? Can I see your ID please? (that's when I use my girlfriend's unsigned Chase Freedom card; she put me as a AU... what a mistake).

ALRIGHT, I know you guys (yes, YOU American folks, not Guatemalans...) love topics regarding grocery shopping and credit cards, but let's go back to the main subject: MYSELF.

My second week on training looks like this:

Week 2
Picture taken at the gym (no inference or critical-thinking necessary, here):

My training on Wednesday... still flabbergasted how Instagram can turn shitty pictures into... shitty pictures.

Actually, there is a Thursday night, 2am 2.2-mi run not shown on the above spreadsheet. This is because I was too cheap to take a cab home from the bar where I heavily drank away my sorrows all night long. So, in my mind, it sounded (schizophrenic) like a BRILLIANT idea to RUN home. With dress shoes. In a button-down shirt. You don't believe me? See screenshot below (note the time).

Yeah I pixelized the map... Oh, I forgot to tell you I'm also paranoid (schizophrenic)?
So not only my girlfriend was wicked mad that I went out late and got drunk, but in addition I destroyed my knees, feet, and I'm suffering from a serious case of shin splints. A total victory.

Whatever. That was my latest marathoner-to-be dickhead move. And if you don't like it, you can still TTYFN.

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